Avoid the 'flat battery blues' during the first cold snap of season - RAC comment

Following the Met Office's warning of a major change in the weather this weekend, RAC Breakdown spokesperson Alice Simpson said: "The arctic conditions predicted next week mean drivers should use this weekend to avoid the ‘flat battery blues’. Frost, ice and snow all put more strain on car batteries so if a vehicle struggles to start, it’s either a sign that the battery needs charging or that it’s about to fail altogether and needs replacing.
“We strongly suggest drivers get their battery checked by a Mobile Mechanic or garage as soon as possible. Taking your car for a 30-minute drive before you need it and switching all electrics off when you finish your journey are effective ways to reduce the chances of an unwanted flat start. In freezing conditions, it’s also well worth packing a blanket, warm waterproof coat and gloves, sturdy boots and a mobile power bank for all eventualities.”