Drink-driving casualty figures released today - RAC reaction

Following the publication of new government figures today that show the number of people killed by drink-drivers has remained largely unchanged since 2010, RAC head of policy Nicholas Lyes said:
“While there will be much interest in the 2020 casualty figures when they come out to understand the impact of the Covid lockdowns on drink-driving, these figures still represent a rather chilling reminder that in the region of 250 people are killed by drink-drivers on Great Britain’s roads every year, a figure that’s barely fallen since 2010.
"Clearly much more needs to do done, and one area we’d like to see progress in is around cutting reoffending. A report by PACTS found that nearly one-in-five drink drive offences are carried out by repeat offenders, something that could be tackled with the introduction of alcohol interlocks.”