Government delays ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars - RAC comment

Following the announcement that the Government will delay the ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars, RAC head of policy Simon Williams said:
RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: “This announcement risks slowing down both the momentum the motor industry has built up in switching to electric powertrains and ultimately the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) that is so important when it comes to decarbonising road transport in the UK. But, as cost remains one the biggest barriers to going electric, there’s surely no reason why the Government can’t help many more drivers into EVs by reintroducing a form of the plug-in car grant that incentivises the cheaper end of the car market. At the same time, we strongly hope manufacturers will continue producing EVs in ever increasing numbers as this is ultimately what’s needed to help bring prices down for both new and second-hand cars.
“It’s also not at all clear how rolling back from 2030 is compatible with the Government’s zero-emission vehicle mandate which was due to set targets for manufacturers’ EV sales from next year. It’s perhaps telling that ministers have yet to respond to the consultation on this that closed in May.”