Private parking industry launches its own code of conduct - RAC reaction

Reacting to the private parking industry launching its own code of conduct, RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: “Drivers shouldn’t be fooled into thinking this so-called code developed by the private parking industry itself is the same as the long-delayed official Private Parking Code of Practice that is backed by legislation. This, and only this, will bring an end to the worst practices of some private parking operators and mean drivers, and especially those who are vulnerable, are protected from unreasonable fines and debt collectors chasing down payments.
“We accept that some of the measures being introduced by the parking industry are an improvement on the status quo which, we have long argued, is totally unacceptable. But what operators will now be expected to do falls miles short of what drivers have been promised by the Government, which includes a cap on fines and debt recovery fees, a single independent appeals service, and sanctions against companies that break the rules such as being banned from operating.
“We sincerely hope the official government code will finally come into force later this year, five years after it became law.”